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Welcome to Forest Heights High School,
All forms must be completed in full. Copies of the following documents must accompany this application:
1) certified birth certificate or I.D. document of learner,
2) certified I.D document of both parents
3) Latest report.
4) Proof of residential address (only a municipal account )
Alle aansoekvorms moet volledig ingevul word. Kopieë van die volgende dokumente moet hierdie
aansoek vergesel:
1) gesertifiseer geboortesertifikaat of ID-dokument van leerder,
2) gesertifiseer I.D dokument van beide ouers
3) Nuutste rapport,
4) Bewys van woonadres (slegs ‘n munisipale rekening)

To request more information:
Contact the Admissions Office
Mon-Fri 8am - 3pm
You can also request more information with this form:
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